Demo by Staph Colony Country: US Released: Feb 20, 2023 Genre: Rock Style: metal goregrind grindcore mince-core raw goregrind raw grindcore Atlanta...
Carniceria! (Full Split) by Human Pancake / Spewtum / Yakisoba / Gangrene Discharge / Wormosis Split with Human Pancake, Spewtum, Yakisoba, and...
FFO: Sebum Excess Production, Hyperemesis, Enuresis, Fupa Goddess, Bloat, Cystgurgle, Metrorrhagia, Casket Mush, ANAL FLUID, Phyllomedusa, Lipoma,...
Wormosis is back with another slab of the bubbliest, dankest, hardcore dancing ass goregrind you've come to know and love. Straight from the swamps...
Wormosis is back with another slab of the bubbliest, dankest, hardcore dancing ass goregrind you've come to know and love. Straight from the swamps...
Goregrind, Gorenoise FFO: Lipoma, Bloat, Hyperemesis, Sebum Excess Production, Maggot Vomit Afterbirth, Yakisoba, Enuresis, Seizure Stomp, BULMA,...
Goregrind, Gorenoise FFO: Lipoma, Bloat, Hyperemesis, Sebum Excess Production, Maggot Vomit Afterbirth, Yakisoba, Enuresis, Seizure Stomp, BULMA,...