FATHER'S DAY [NTR 257] by DAD DAD - FATHER'S DAY on cassette tape! Their first two releases on one cassette released for Father's Day! FIRST RUN:...
Split w/ Disparo! by Uncle Buck Split w/ Uncle Buck by Disparo! Disparo! FFO: Alf Stewart, xKatexMoshx, Rupture, Anf, Sidetracked, Reproach, Nihil...
Vomiting...Choking on the Vomit...Vomiting again...and then Choking on the Vomit Again by DISPENSER FFO: Sceneggiato, Caterpillar, Las Cosas Que...
FFO: No/Mas, Zyanose, Feastem, Nails, Impalers, Toughguy, Wormrot, SPASM, Magrudergrind, Hatred Surge, Mass Grave, Internal Rot, Pig Destroyer,...
Includes digital download code! FIRST RUN: 30 CLEAR w/SPLATTER FFO: Captain Caveman, Warfuck, Chadhel, Whoresnation, Burt, 1st Class Collapse, GUMMO,...
Capitalism is a Pyramid Scheme [NTR 320] by Facepalm Nation / Final Gulp Includes digital download code FIRST RUN: 30 RICE CASSETTES Facepalm Nation...
Split [NTR 329] by Gastropod / Staph Colony / ROTBUS / TOUGHGUY Gastropod / Staph Colony / ROTBUS / TOUGHGUY 4 way split on cassette tape! Includes...
Split [NTR 329] by Gastropod / Staph Colony / ROTBUS / TOUGHGUY Gastropod / Staph Colony / ROTBUS / TOUGHGUY 4 way split on cassette tape! Includes...
Split [NTR 329] by Gastropod / Staph Colony / ROTBUS / TOUGHGUY Gastropod / Staph Colony / ROTBUS / TOUGHGUY 4 way split on cassette tape! Includes...
Includes digital download code! FIRST RUN: 30 CLEAR Country: US Released: Feb 8, 2021 Genre: Electronic, Hip Hop Style: Downtempo, Instrumental,...